Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stress Free?

Hey there,

I have finally finished my two huge papers and can breath a little! I've been so swapped with work I haven't even had a chance to get excited about my upcoming trip (tomorrow!) to Melbourne! I leave tomorrow morning at 10:00 and arrive in the beautiful city at 1:00pm. I'm heading there with four other girls, but for the first night it will just be me and my friend Amy. We are staying in Space Hostel which is right in the central business district.

We don't have much planned so far, other than lots of walking around and exploring. Melbourne is known for it's cafes and hidden bars. It's also considered a very cultured and artistic city, so hopefully I'll hit a few museums while I am there. Although I'm sad I'll be spending some of my last days in Australia away from Townsville and George Roberts, I think it will be good to get away from the tension and emotions surrounding leaving and finals (at least for a little while).

I took my final exam in Photography yesterday and earned the equivalent of our "B" back at home (total buzz kill). I have to continuously catch myself when I begin to get all stressed about grades and my GPA. I've gotten very good at convincing myself off the ledge in regards to the fact that for me this semester wasn't about coming home with an amazing GPA and that most of the learning I've done hasn't occurred in the classroom and that is okay. The effect this semester will have on my GPA will be well worth the experience (or at least that's what I keep telling myself hehe!)

Oh, I forgot to mention the couple of things we do have planned for Melbourne. The first night there my friend Amy and I are heading on our own make shift chocolate tour of the city. There is this company that takes large groups throughout the city to famous places, eating chocolate and other delicious cafe treats along the way. We only just found out about the tour company and unfortunately they are completely booked while we are there. So instead, I pulled a Melissa (haha) and decided to create our own tour! We have researched all the places the tour goes to and made our town little map of the city. I'm really excited :).

In addition to our chocolate tour we are going to head up Eureka Tower, which is one of the tallest (if not the tallest) building in the city. The top of the tower is completely glass and I've been told it is the most amazing view of the city right at sunset. Hopefully I'll experience some great views!

Once I'm back from Melbourne then all the intensity picks up with finals right around the corner. I used to think finals week at Quinnipiac was stressful, but I had no idea. With exams worth at least 40% of your grade studying is crucial and people get a little twitchy. It's almost three weeks before finals even begin and people are already studying ridiculous amounts of hours in order to prepare. Hopefully I'll do okay.. I have one in Learning and Behavior, one in Social Psychology and one in Environmental History. Social Psychology is my favorite subject and I'm doing pretty well in it at the moment so I'm not too stressed about that exam. Learning and Behavior and Environmental History on the other hand might send me over the edge. Both tests are worth 40% of my grade and are going to be extremely hard (not to mention I'm not doing well in either class). Keep your fingers crossed for me! It would be greatly appreciated :) 

Anyway, I guess I should go start packing.. or studying. Hopefully I'll get a chance to catch up with you again soon. Love and miss you all xoxo 

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