Monday, June 13, 2011

Final Exam

Hey everyone,

I'm taking a quick, 15 minute study break and thought I'd use my time to blog instead of mulling around on Facebook or something equally less productive. I have my last exam of the semester tonight at 6:15pm and I have been studying all morning for it. You'd all laugh if you saw me now, I'm hibernating in the back corner of the dining hall, completely hidden behind textbooks, highlighters, papers, pens and cups of coffee - it's quite the sight. My friend walked in this morning and was like "Yo slippy (my Australian nickname) you look half asleep" and another friend called me a walking zombie - oh how I love finals week.

On the bright side it's my last final and it's actually in a subject I enjoy learning about. It's social psychology so it's all about how people interact in social situations (relationships, stereotypes, power, influence ect). Hopefully I'll do okay on it, most of the stuff seems kind of obvious and it's 140 multiple choice, so maybe the process of elimination will work in my favor :)

I had to say my first goodbye last night and it was horrible. Everyone is packing and getting ready to leave and it's the most heart breaking thing to watch. I have been avoiding my room at all costs because it reminds me of everything Australia means to me and everything I have to say goodbye to shortly. I've actually become really good at finding ways to avoid my emotions about leaving - I can only imagine how I'm going to be in a week. Get ready family :)

On the bright side I'm looking forward to coming home and seeing everyone I have missed these past few months. I can't wait to see my baby brother all graduated and turning into an incredible young man. I can't wait to drive around singing obnoxiously with Kathleen in the car and laughing about everything.

Anyway - my break is up.. talk to you soon!

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