Saturday, April 2, 2011

Crunch Time

Hey everyone,

It's the weekend before midterm week and I thought I would take a nice little break from studying and update you all on all the exciting things I have been up to. Ha, actually - I've been up to almost nothing expect for trying to get some work done. Grading and work in general is so much different than it is at home and it's really taking some getting used to. For example, each lecturer can only give out a certain amount of A's, B's, C's ect.. which is insane! Needless to say I've been freaking out a little bit about making sure I'm in the running for those higher grades.

I have a lab report due on Wednesday that I have to do very well on because the first one I turned in did not go over well. I also have a midterm in social psychology on Tuesday morning and an assignment due for history on Thursday. It should be an interesting (and sleepless!) week.

I realized that some of you aren't on facebook and might want to see some of my Sydney pictures so below I attached a couple so you can take a look! I hope you like them :)

Hope you are all well - miss and love you <3 

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