Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Weekend

Hey everyone,

I haven't had the chance to write in awhile, but you can blame that on all the work I've had to get done this week! I'm convinced all my professors decide to give huge assignments during the same week just to stress me out. None of it really matters though because it's completely dead on campus this weekend so I'll have plenty of time to get it all done. It's Easter weekend so most of the Australians have gone home and most of the international students have gone on epic adventures. We have a nice long five day weekend because Anzac Day is on Tuesday, which is a day where the Australians appreciate their military - similar to our Veterans Day at home. I have heard it's actually a very big holiday here, where people wake up at 5:00am and watch large parades and spend the afternoon at huge parties where all the military personnel come together in celebration.

It's so strange to think that it's Easter weekend - nothing here reminds me of Easter other than the hot cross buns they have been serving for breakfast (I didn't realize those were a real thing!). I have been spoiling myself and eating heaps (that's Australian for "a lot") of hot cross buns, toasting them and covering them with butter and cinnamon sugar. When I do that they almost taste like Mari's fantastic cinnamon buns that I look forward to at every holiday. I decided these hot cross buns are about as close as I'm going to get to a real holiday so I might as well indulge!

This morning I was struck with the realization that this will be the first Easter I've ever spent away from my family. For the past twenty years of my life I have been surrounded by loved ones on this weekend and for the first time they are all gathered together and I'm far, far away. Images of Melissa or Mom cooking up lots of delicious food keeps filling my head. I can see Dan sitting in front of the television somewhere and Kathleen bopping around the kitchen talking to all our relatives. My house (both of them!) would be filled with delicious smells and I'd feel warm and comfortable. It's funny to think about the things you miss the most because most of the time they are the smallest things, that you hardly even notice. Mom would have Easter baskets set up, filled with candy and random items she picked up. My favorite, the jelly beans, would have sunk to the bottom, hidden in the plastic grass. I'm a little sad I don't have an Easter basket this year - maybe I'll make myself one! I am planning on going out tomorrow and buying eggs to decorate, because I can't stray completely away from the holiday. What would Easter be without purple fingers, proof that I'll never be old enough to stop coloring eggs!

I really can't complain too much though because in three days two of my favorite people in the entire world will be in Australia with me and I literally am almost in tears just thinking about it. Dad and Melissa are currently in the air somewhere between Fiji and Australia - heading to Sydney where they will be spending a couple days before flying to Townsville to see me. I wish I could explain the happiness and excitement that I'm feeling about their arrival. I've never been away from my family this long and I can't wait to share this experience with them. There is so much I want to tell them, to show them and to experience with them - but what I'm most excited to do is just be with them.

The plan is for them to arrive on Tuesday around 2:00 in the Townsville airport. My friend will be driving me there so I'll be there waiting as soon as they touch down. Dad rented a car so we will pick that up at the airport and head to their hotel so they can put their stuff down and get settled in. We will then set off to James Cook (hopefully we will have directions because I have no idea how to get around here!) and I'll show them around campus and George Roberts. I'm so interested in their reaction to the campus because it's so different then American universities (especially Quinnipiac - no million dollar bobcat here!). I also can't wait to show them my room - my home in Australia and all the little trinkets I have acquired since being here.

Tuesday night, depending on their energy level, I want to take them to Castle Hill which is right behind the campus. I have been up there yet, but it's this mountain you drive up with your car and apparently the peak provides amazing views of Townsville. Hopefully the stars will be out and the drive up there will be worth it! :) Wednesday will also be full of driving because the plan is to head to Mission Beach which is about a 3 hour drive from Townsville but is notorious for gorgeous beaches and skydiving. I've heard that the beaches aren't quite as pristine after the cyclone, but I'm hoping to go skydiving with Melissa while we are there which will make the trek worth it. Plus, I have so much to tell them and I think the car ride will be a perfect time to catch them up on everything. Wednesday night we will most likely have dinner somewhere on the Strand where Melissa and Dad are staying. It's this gorgeous stretch of beach with great places to eat and the most amazing gelato!

Thursday morning we plan on taking the ferry across the harbor to Magnetic (Maggie) island. I haven't been yet but most of my friends have and say it's fantastic. You can rent these little go cart type things and drive them all over the island. They also have snorkeling, kayaking, hiking and horse back riding. We haven't decided exactly what we are doing but I think Dad is pretty keen (excited) about kayaking. Thursday night will be spent on Maggie and we most likely will spend Friday morning there as well. Needless to say I will be taking the entire week off from classes :)

So despite the fact I'll be missing out on the Easter celebration I will have the chance to see my family very soon. On that note I should start getting some of my work so I don't have to worry about that while they are here. Miss and love you all very much - Happy Easter :)

xoxo Sara

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