Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lecture Recess!

Hey there,

As of 3:00 today I'm officially on lecture recess which means Bali is right around the corner! It actually hasn't hit me that I'm leaving in two days, mainly because of the copious amounts of work I've been bogged down with this week. Finally, the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight and I'm running at it with full force! Just one more tutorial (only 50 minutes!) is in between me and freedom! :)

I've been reading up on Bali recently int his Lonely Planet book I borrowed from a girl on college who went last year. It's actually a really good read and what I've realized more than anything is that it is very, very good I am learning about the culture prior to going - there are so many small things that are vital to know. For instance, how much is appropriate to pay for a taxi or a meal. What I've taken away from the reading I have done (and I plan to do more on the plane!) is that as long as I use my head and expect the unexpected then I will be just fine! No worries - I've got myself covered! Although, I'm a little bumped I "forgot" to bring that amazing waist pocket thing my Dad so thoughtful bought for my stocking this Christmas - potentially could have come in handy.

I found out that I got a "D" on my midterm in Social Psychology. Now before you all freak out on my behalf I want to remind you that a "D" is actually equivalent to a B+ in the states.. so I'm not completely upset with my performance. I still have time and opportunities to bring the grade up to an "HD" which is equivalent to our "A" in the states. As for the rest of my assignments I'm going to have to wait a little longer to get the grades back on those.

Anyway - enough talk about school because there are more important things in my future - like Bali! I'm jumping on a greyhound bus at 2:30 on Saturday afternoon and making the five hour drive to Carines. We are staying at a hostel about 10 minutes from the airport called Gilligans that we have heard good things about. I don't think we will do much on Saturday night after the long bus ride and flight early in the morning. Sunday we will be flying to Bali and spending a week there - flying back to Carines the following Sunday and catching a bus back to Townsville.

Once we are in Bali I think we are just going to settle into the hostel and wander around - most likely spending the first few days just exploring. I have read that it is a little bit of a culture shock when you first get there and might take a few days to feel comfortable with the area. I guess we are very close to a couple markets and beaches which is where we will spend most of our time. The group I'm going with is very interested in using this time to just relax and get some serious beach hours in - which I'm all for! I do want to do some exploring - I mean how can I not after seeing "Eat Pray Love"!

I'll try my best to find a place to use the internet once or twice while I'm there so I can send out some quick messages letting people know I'm alive and doing well. I miss you all very, very much and can't wait to get back and update you on my travels!

Love you xoxo

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