Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feb 13, 2011

Hello again!

So unfortunately I have no internet, so I will post this whenever my internet decides to start working again – but I feel like I should still keep up with my blog through Word so I can just post a bunch as soon as my internet does get fixed. Plus without internet it can sometimes be very boring (like early in the morning before everyone else is up!).

Since being in Townsville I have just been exploring the city and the university itself. We did a little bit of shopping at this mall area just down the street. They have a very easy bus system that stops right in front of my dorm and takes us to a bunch of different places around Townsville. Besides picking up some snacks and small things for my room I also decided to grab a few dresses because it has become very obvious that Townsville weather is just too sticky for shorts and a tank top!

Last night I took a walk around campus with a couple of friends and although we got lost we had a nice walk and ended up finding our way eventually. What I’ve noticed the most about this campus is that it’s in no way set up logically. It’s as if whenever they decide to build a new building they just cut down a few trees in a random location and place it there. Small paths connect the buildings, however the cyclone has made a lot of these paths unusable. Also, they absolutely do not cut down any plants or trees unless absolutely necessary, and I know this because there are trees and plants everywhere! Once more of the destruction from the cyclone has been cleaned up I’ll take some pictures and upload them so you all can see.

On my walk I also noticed how big the sky is here – which sounds a little strange. But as we were walking it began to get very dark and I noticed when you look up at the sky it’s as if it goes on for years and years. I’ve never seen a more open and star covered sky – it was absolutely beautiful.

Oh, and I’ve finally got my roommates! I have two “freshers” (that’s what the new students are called here, the older ones are called fossils!) and one is a girl named Bree-anna and one is a guy named Mark. Bree-anna moved in yesterday and I guess we missed each other because I didn’t run into her late last night when I came back to my room and she was hanging out! She is a 17 year old med student and seems very sweet. I haven’t actually met Mark yet, but his mom is here now unpacking his stuff and she seems very friendly. She tells me Mark is a 18 year old physical therapy major (I believe..) – Oh and they are both Australian! Which is awesome! And both of them have internet in their rooms, so I guess it’s just me ☹! Hopefully I get it soon!

Anyway – I guess I’ll get going, off to grab some lunch and then we are heading to the beach for awhile with some girls we met the other night!

Miss you all & love you!

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