Sunday, February 20, 2011

Last day of Christmas Break!

Hey all!

So today is my last day of Christmas break which is kind of insane! I've been out of school for just about two months! If you want to get technical I do have tomorrow off too because as of right now I don't have classes on Monday or Fridays so I don't really start until Tuesday.

I've been drawing schedules and color coding all my classes, trying to organize my life a little bit. Between lectures, tutorials and practicals things can be a bit confusing. Also, some lectures don't require you to go to tutorials every week - which just makes things that much more confusing! Hopefully I'll catch on within the first week or so. I'll make sure to write after my first class on Tuesday which is at 8:00am! Yippieee! :)

Today was a pretty relaxing day, everyone hung low and prepared themselves for the beginning of the semester. I watched 10 Things I Hate About You and some episodes of It's Always Sunny, took a nice long nap and went down to the River with some people. The River is about a ten minute walk away and was where I was trying to go the time I fell and cut open my chin. I made it this time, and although I slipped a couple of times I didn't fall over - thank God!

The part of the river we all head to is in front of this large building used for the rowing club in Townsville. There is a giant dock with two levels for loading large rowing boats into. What most people do is swim around the dock, sit on the lower part or bring big inner tubes and float around. The trees surrounding the river are amazing (mom, you'd appreciate them!) with really long limbs that people climb on and jump off. There were a bunch of younger boys there literally swinging between branches and hanging off the tree, doing backflips and other insane things. I was pretty impressed because they were jumping from very high.

After the river we all headed to dinner which was this beef with weird tasting gravy, peas and salad. There are literally no options for food, you get what they give you and let me tell you my stomach hasn't felt settled since I've gotten here. Although some of the meals are decent the majority aren't. I had the chicken once and will never go there again.

Last night we had a formal dinner, where people dressed up and the college ordered us a ton of Dominos pizza. Awards were given out and I was in the running for top Fresher coming in first on Monday because of my fall on the way to the river. It was kind of embarrassing but funny - I had to stand up in the middle of the dining hall and show off my scar - yay!

I'm not sure what I'm going to do tonight - maybe watch another movie and hit the hay early. I need a good night rest after all the O week festivities. My friends and I were counting today and we literally did something every single night for seven nights straight - which is exhausting! At JCU there is this application that you can download and it allows everyone to share files like movies, music and tv shows. It's absolutely amazing, and has pretty much anything you could want so I think that's where I'll be spending my night!

Miss you & love you all!


1 comment:

  1. Love the blog and it sounds like you are having fun exploring your new home. Any pictures of you from the formal or costume night? What was your favorite event over the last 7 days? Miss and love you lots ~ Melissa
