Friday, February 25, 2011

Swim Meets & GR Pride

Hey everyone!

It's Saturday afternoon here and I have just gotten back from the first inter-uni swim meet of the semester. Actually, they call it a swimming carnival (thanks Alex) and it is composed of a bunch of different swimming events. Most of them are taken seriously, expect the last race which is a relay consists of people swimming with a noodle in between their legs - it was actually really funny to watch.

The swim carnival was the first time I really got to see all the different colleges within James Cook interact. Everyone showed up in their colors (mine are black and gold) and people were painted, had banners and were really getting into it. Everyone had obnoxious cheers, and I still have yet to master mine.. lets just say none of them are well written but funny regardless.

Prior to the swim meet we had a BBQ outside in front of our volleyball courts which was nice - I actually enjoyed a meal here (yay!). Although I had a chicken burger.. and I don't know what it is about James Cook and chicken, but for some reason they can't seem to get pieces that aren't 75% skin and fat. Yum.

Anyway - I finished my first week of classes and bought most of my books - completely forgot I had to buy books here, what a buzz kill. My class on Thursday was environmental history and I think out of all my classes that will be the toughest. The material itself should be easy enough and the projects don't seem that bad, however it's a class taught at James Cook in Cairnes and the lecturer is actually located there and we see her via a large projection. Let me just tell you, that will be quite the adventure. It's such a weird concept and in the one experience I've had so far I think it's going to be hard to concentrate.. it just feels so much more laid back and takes the seriousness out of the class for me. It will be a challenge and test my Hey everyone!

I guess I'm going to go lay down and watch a movie - relax after being in the sun all afternoon!

Miss you & love you all

Ps. remember to think of behaviors and ideas for photography for me! thanks :)!

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