Thursday, February 17, 2011

Internet is a wonderful thing!

Hey everyone!

So I finally have internet (yay!) so I will be updated this much more frequently! I hope you are all doing well at home. I'm personally very much enjoying the wonderful weather every day here - I don't think I've even thought about putting on something other than shorts and a t-shirt.

It's 8:00am here right now and I'm absolutely exhausted! I feel like I have been non-stop since I got here. It's as if there is something planned all the time here - from going to the River, volleyball games and Toga parties it has been quite the week! I can't believe I haven't even started classes yet - but Tuesday will come soon enough. I'm actually heading to the faculty office today (that's what they call the head of your department at the Uni) to make sure all my classes are perfect.

Classes and school here in general is so different than the states it's kind of overwhelming. For each class you have a lecture and a tutorial, while some also have a practical. The lecture is typically in a large room with a ton of people, while tutorials are typically not taught by the lecturer, but rather an older student or teaching assistant. During the tutorials everyone does activities, asks questions about the material and has the opportunity to be in a smaller group setting. As for the practicals, I believe they are labs but I'm not entirely sure.

So far it looks like I have no class on Monday or Friday (depending on what tutorials I get because there are multiple per lecture). Wednesdays are going to be rough since I'm in class literally all day beginning at 9 and ending at 6 with only a few hour long breaks in between. The whole process is just so different from Quinnipiac that I'm excited to finally start and see which method of learning I like better.

Oh I forgot to mention that on the 14th I received beautiful flowers from Dad, Melissa, Dan and Kathleen and it was such a nice surprise! I was in the office (like I am everyday!) trying to get my internet to work and lights to turn on when someone walked in carrying flowers. I was so happy and they were just what I needed - so a huge thanks to them, I absolutely loved them. They are sitting on my rather large, very white desk right now and add a nice pop of color to the room!

Alright well I think I'm going to grab some breakfast with the girls next door - keep your eyes out for new updates now that I have internet! :)

Love and miss you all!

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