Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First Classes Down!

Hey all!

I have finished two days of classes and have one more to go to finish off my first week of Uni! Yesterday my day began at 8:00am with social psychology which is a lecture type class that I think I'm really going to enjoy. The Professor (lecturer) is very funny and she seems like she will be fun to learn from. Also she went over the syllabus and the topics we will go over actually interest me and the assignments seem fun! For one of them we get to compare Disney movies and another I can compare social psychology to movies such as Remember the Titans (one of my personal favorites!)

Today I had a much busier day - starting at 9:00am with photography lecture. My lecturer in that class is very artisty and is from Columbia. I would describe him as a free spirit, who likes to talk about the feeling and expression of things. After the lecture I had photography practical during which I was shown the Mac lab where we will work (amazing!) and the studios (also amazing!). I'm so excited to start working, we get to rent out cameras and lenses and just play around. The assignments seem exciting and we can use props, all sorts of crazy lighting, backgrounds - you name it! This is the real deal! I have to come up with a couple of different portfolio themes so if anyone has any ideas let me know! :)

After photography I had learning and behavior which was.. interesting. The lecturer is really funny and interesting, however she is having a student currently working on his Phd teaching the class and he seems to be a bit flustered and nervous. He talked really fasted and was a little confusing when speaking but hopefully he will settle in. I also am pretty good at learning from the text book so I'll just rely on my reading skills for that class. We do have a cool project in that class though - where we have to change one of our behaviors throughout the semester by implementing learning techniques. So again, any behaviors you want me to get rid of or add on? Let me know! :) Haha

Just one more to go tomorrow, environmental history, which is a huge class and is actually taught through video (I believe). I'm looking forward to going and seeing what that's like. As far as my schedule is looking I'm in class from 8-10 and 11-1 on Tuesdays, 1-12, 1-3 and 4-6 on Wednesday (yuck!) and then Thursday 12-3 which really isn't that bad! I only have one more practical to sign up for so hopefully I'll get a good time and will have Monday and Friday off! That would make for amazing weekend trips!

Anyway - I have to go organize my life.. I'm so excited about photography I've already started brain storming for my portfolios and I'm trying to come up with themes between Disney movies concerning stereotyping (I'm thinking of doing Toy Story and Toy Story 3 and looking at how stereotypes may have changed since the original movie came out!) Haha - I love being excited about school again!

Love you and miss you!!


ps. let me know about my behaviors and photography ideas! shoot me a message on facebook - it would be greatly appreciated!! :) THANKS!

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