Friday, February 18, 2011

Mix & Match


I'm really starting to get into this whole blogging thing - it's a great way to start my morning! I woke up a little while ago to great ready for breakfast, only to realize that it's the weekend so breakfast runs later and I could have slept in! Oh well, I guess that gives me time to get other things done - like blog! :)

Yesterday was incredibly humid and hot, potentially the most uncomfortable since I've been here. I was lucky enough to choose yesterday as the day I would finalize all my classes and organize myself for next week. This would be all well and good expect that the office to do this is about a 10-15 minute walk from my dorm and I quickly realized how brutal the sun can be. Regardless, I was happy to get everything sorted out and I now am officially enrolled in Environmental History, Social Psychology, Photography and Learning and Behavior. I'm just getting excited to actually start school and get things moving! It should be interesting trying to learn in this new method.

After my walk to the main campus I got back and was completely sticky and hot, but instead of heading to my nice air conditioned room I had to head to the dining hall for a college meeting. We were told in this meeting that the festivities of the night before had caused quite a little bit of commotion. That night all the fossils (older students) woke up all the freshers (younger students) at 3:00am and had them go on a run throughout campus. This type of things tends to be a tradition here and is actually pretty funny - however when my college was running by another college (dorm) they started throwing glass and chairs down at us. Apparently in retaliation someone from my college threw a beer bottle back and actually hit someone with it. The purpose of the meeting was to differentiate between harmless fun and danger. Also, those responsible were asked to step forward and if they didn't our whole college would be forced to pick up garbage around the other college for one hour. Surprisingly enough no one took the blame so I made the sticky walk back towards main campus and picked up trash for an hour. Yippie!

When I first came here I wasn't sure about this whole college (dorm) rivalry thing but after yesterday I'm starting to understand. It's a completely different approach then in the states but here the unity is between colleges within universities. This actually makes JCU seem much much smaller than Quinnipiac and it's something I think I'm going to enjoy while I'm here. I mean, you literally do everything with your college. We walk to places at night together, have sporting events together, everyone eats all their meals together, it's a real community feel.

Anyway, after our community service I headed back to my dorm to skype for the first time since I've been here! It was so nice to be able to communicate with people finally! It's weird because since I've been here I have had such little contact with people back at home so it almost feels like I'm living in two completely separate worlds that don't exist at the same time. It wasn't until yesterday that I was reminded of everything at home and my life there.

While I was skyping some people ran out to get outfits for last nights festivities. We were having a costume-type party, but instead of customs you find outfits at a thrift shop and wear the most ridiculous stuff. I had them pick me up something to wear which turned into a Chinese inspired, bright red and gold top with the shoulder pads and everything - it was interesting haha. I wore it with some black leggings and my sneakers and I have to say it was quite the outfit.

Today should be a pretty relaxing day for the most part. Tonight is Presentation night or something like that where we all get dressed up nice, almost like a semiformal.

Love you and miss you!


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