Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Townsville - Day 1!

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to check in quickly. At 6:45 this morning I (along with about 70 other AustraLearn students) boarded a plane from Brisbane to Townsville. The plane ride was only about an hour and a half and I was lucky enough to have an empty seat next to me. I have honestly had the best luck with flights thus far - I'll keep my fingers crossed things go that well on the way back!

Anyway - once in Townsville we loaded up our luggage for the last time in awhile and took two large coach buses to the campus. I am living in a dorm called George Roberts hall and we were the first to be dropped off. I live on the second floor of a suite type building. The buildings are split into what are called blocks and I live in block D. I have my own room which is actually very nice and cozy (and has AC!). I share a common room with a small fridge, microwave and bathroom with two other people. They have yet to show up and will most likely be moving in within the next couple of days. I heard that I will most likely be the only American in the room, as they try to split up the Americans within each dorm. I could have a roommate that is 17 or a roommate that is 23, but I guess we will see. Also, they are co-ed dorms so I could potentially get guy roommates - although I'm pretty positive there cannot be more guys than girls per room so at most I'd be living with one guy roommate.

Although I have yet to completely explore the campus from what I have seen it looks like a really nice place. It seems that the campus was hit kind of hard by the cyclone and is not in the best condition at the moment. We do have a dining hall right in front of our dorm and a pool as well as a small (very small) gym all which we have to purchase memberships for. Oh, and the food so far has been pretty good - I had lunch and dinner at the dining hall today and it wasn't bad at all - although it's not anything like a dining hall from the states that gives you options, instead you basically get what they are serving that day and that's it - no choices. Also, the cafe is only opened for about an hour and a half per meal time so if you don't eat during the times it's opened you are pretty much out of luck.

After eating lunch we headed into the town (by bus - picks us up right outside our dorms) to the supermarket and shopping center. We went to Kmart and bought a bunch of stuff to spice up our rooms (aka hangers, towels and a few other things). I have come to realize I'm going to have to get over the fact that Australian's completely over price EVERYTHING - a tube of mascara.. $16.00, face wash? $16.00.. Should be a fun semester! I'm looking forward to all the packages from home so I don't have to buy all that stuff!

We have a few free days until Orientation week starts on Monday so I think tomorrow we are heading down to the river by the school and just soaking up some sun (I'll remember my sunscreen!) I'm actually really proud of myself because I have hardly (if at all!) gotten burned since being here - which is quite an accomplishment!

Anyway - I suppose I should be going. You'd all be proud of me as I have completely decorated my room and it actually feels a bit like home! I have pictures everywhere and I brought all my crazy flowers from QU. I think I'm going to really enjoy my time here!

Love and miss you!


p.s.. did I mention how insanely hot it is here? it's like 10 degrees warmed and 20 times more humid than in Brisbane - bring on the sunscreen, hats and sticky heat! Yay!

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