Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 2 Has Begun!

Hey everyone!

It's Tuesday night here and I have finished my first day of classes for this week. I am quickly realizing that although it's amazing I have a four day weekend it comes at quite the cost! I was in class from 8:00am to 1:00pm today and tomorrow I have class from 9:00am until 6:00pm! I think I have an hour for lunch but that's it. These two hour lecture and practical periods are going to be the death of me!

Today I had social psychology and then the practical right after. I was a little disappointed that I spent hours on Monday reading for the class because all we did was go over exactly what I had read. Although it was pretty interesting stuff, and hopefully I'll better understand how we interact, social customs ect after the class is over.

The practical after was taught by a student in the process of getting his PhD. I'm still trying to get used to being taught by someone so close in age. He seems pretty cool though and most of the practical was spent going over exercises which was a nice change from taking notes and listening to lectures. In the middle of class the fire alarm went off, which was a nice and unexpected break during which I quickly devoured my lunch. Toasted ham and cheese made at 8:00am - yum! :)

Today was the first time that I actually appreciated taking Experimental Methods (aka the death of me last semester). Pretty much everything we went over I had learned last semester, so it was nice and fresh in my mind. I think having taken that class will give me the confidence in this class to do well (hopefully!). It's funny because the lecturer kept saying things like "And we are all going to get D's in this class and do very well!" Which kept confusing me because obviously a D in the states isn't a great grade but here it is equivalent to a B.

Anyway - that's about all I have for my update. I'm going to start planning my trips soon because the sooner I do it the cheaper it will be. Plus I want to fill up my calendar with lots of fun things so I can start count downs and what not! :) Let me know if you have any ideas on where I should head during my travels. So far I'm debating between Sydney, Melbourne, Bali, Figi, the Outback or Japan. I really, really want to go to Japan but apparently no one else is interested and I'm not about to go alone (that's not smart traveling!) We will see where I end up - but I'd love your feedback! :)

Sending you my love from across the world <3

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