Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dinner Party!

Hey :)

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update before I literally pass out on my bed. I'm so exhausted for some reason - maybe from the seven hours of class I had! Actually, it really wasn't that bad. I stated out in photography lecture which was only about 40 minutes of my lecturer explaining the basic functions of a digital camera. After we all headed to the computer lab to dabble in photoshop for a bit. We had to complete an assignment that involved resizing some imaged, doing things with layering and changing background colors. Once we were finished we were free to go. I suppose Melissa's photoshop talents have rubbed off on me because I was done within 40 minutes or so.

Getting out of class early (at 10:40 opposed to 12:00) I headed back to George Roberts and actually made lunch! I had packed a lunch during breakfast and it's now sitting in my fridge for the next time I'm ravishing! After lunch I trekked back to campus where I had my learning and behavior lecture. I got lost for the second time (I literally think the building moves locations!) but I left 45 minutes early so I was just on time! That lecture was possibly the most boring, horrible thing I have ever sat through. I don't plan on attending many of those classes as he simply reads out of the book and his way of explaining the material simply confuses me more.

I was let out of that class early (again!) and had an awkward two hours before my tutorial in that same class so I again slummed my way back to George Roberts (it really is quite the walk!) As I was leaving to go back out to class at 4:00 I stopped by the office and was told I had a package! I had been expecting it for awhile and was so happy it finally got here (thanks Mom!). I unfortunately didn't have time to open it so I ran to my room, dropped it off and made my way back to campus.

My tutorial for learning and behavior potentially saved the class for me. The tutor is very engaging and interesting - I think I'm really going to like her. She kept us for the full two hours and it literally flew by. She explains things really well and hopefully between her and my text book I'll get something useful from the class. She spent some of the tutorial talking about the behavior modification project we are doing - which I'm really excited about. As I mentioned before we get to pick a behavior we either want to do more of or less of. This week it will be our job to choose our behavior and document our emotions, environmental cues and social cues surrounding that behavior. I'm loving it so far! :)

Anyway - after my class I ran back to George Roberts where I was quickly whisked off campus to a friend's house for some home cooked food! It was a great evening with amazing food - in fact I just got back moments ago. I think I'm in one of those food comas you get after Thanksgiving because as soon as I was finished eating I felt super sleepy, as did everyone else. Gabby, an Australia who lives in George Roberts, made this wonderful sweet potato and chicken lasagna with salad and cheese cake with blue berries for desert. It was hands done the best meal I have had since being in Australia and the first time I have felt so full. My stomach is so happy right now! First time in weeks it hasn't been upset after eating!

I was so happy to be invited to the dinner party and ended up having a great time. We made plans to all go out together this weekend which I think will be a great time. I'm also looking forward to this weekend because I think I'm going to finalize some of my travel plans - which will give me things to look forward to (besides Dad and Mel visiting!).

Alright well the food coma is getting the best of me - I'll update you all later this week.

Love & miss you all!

Sending my love from across the globe <3

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