Monday, March 7, 2011

Round 2?

Well hello again,

It's been about 12 hours since I last wrote and I thought I'd give you all another update - mainly because I'm super bored and don't want to read anymore. I'm about 100 pages in and have around 40 left.. oh how I love the Australian education system! :) It's funny because I was talking to some people at dinner today about how you cannot get around reading your textbooks here. At Quinnipiac it seems like a waste of time to spend copious amounts of time doing all the required reading, however at James Cook if you don't read you miss vital information and I'm sure you wont do well.

After finishing two weeks of classes I have a pretty good idea of what classes might be a challenge, what classes I'll rarely attend and what classes I'll need to do all the reading (and some!) to do decent in. My social psychology lecture seems informational, while the tutorial seems like a waste of time. I do feel that I should read prior to each class just to better understand the material and I actually don't mind the textbook, it's rather easy to understand and interesting material. As for my learning and behavior class I think actually going to the lecture is a complete waste of my time and the tutorial will be much more informative. I think as far as reading goes for that class it will be crucial I read 100% of the text, take notes and completely understand it.

On another note I guess it was a good thing it rained all day today because instead of going to the river I sat in my room and read. Although I have to say it's rather depressing here in when it rains. Everyone hibernates in their rooms because when it rains it pours - like absolutely floods everything. If you are out in it for more than five seconds you are drenched and in need of a change of clothing. I pulled out my fantastic, pink rain boots today because I was done with constantly having wet feet, only to realize rain boots are not socially acceptable in Australia. But do you think I care? Absolutely not - my feet were nice and dry and toasty and I was one happy camper! :)

The rainy day also gave me the opportunity to rally the troops and get everyone to officially agree to spring break (lecture recess as they call it here) in Bali. I had been doing quite a bit of research the past fews day (felt like Melissa!) and I'm just happy it's finally all planned and booked. In looking at my ICalendar (my favorite new tool on my Mac) I'm in for quite the next few months. Next weekend we have a huge get together for George Roberts (my dorm) which will kick off the start to an insane couple of months.

The last week in March I'm heading to Sydney with a couple of people to experience the Opera House and the Sydney bridge. The plan is to spend Thursday - Sunday in a hostel right in the middle of the city. I'm not completely sure which hostel yet, but my friends have done the research so I'm excited. There are also these bars all over Sydney called ice bars where the entire place (including the cups!) are made of ice and upon entering they give you large winter jackets and gloves! We made the conscious decision that we would have to check that out and at least grab something to eat there.

After Sydney I have eleven days, during which I have mid-semester exams, and then spring recess begins! Having Mondays and Fridays off means I have a whole eleven days of break. The first few days we (I'm traveling with 3 others) are going to spend in Cairns which I have heard is a must-see. We could either take a quick flight there or take a rather long bus ride. I think we are leaning toward the bus ride just because it's cheaper and would be an "adventure". We have friends in Cairns who did the Culture Adventure Program through AustraLearn with us in Brisbane so it will be nice to catch up with them. Also, there is amazing diving and snorkeling there which I'm looking forward to.

After a couple of days in Cairns we fly out on Sunday and head to Bali! I still can't believe I'm going to Bali! How lucky and blessed am I?! We were able to grab some great priced tickets too which makes the trip that much more exciting. Originally we were deciding between Fiji and Bali but living expenses (accommodations, food, transportation) are just so much cheaper in Bali so we decided on that. We were able to grab a very nice looking hostel for pretty cheap and the location is amazing. We will be staying right on the beach with a bunch of markets near by. Another great aspect is that the hostel we are staying at is very popular for backpackers and apparently a great place to meet people - which is always a plus!

We will be in Bali until the following Saturday, giving us a good six days and six nights in paradise. I believe we get in during the early afternoon on Sunday and leave at 10:00pm on the following Saturday. Anyway - we will then take a bus or plane from Cairns back to Townsville because hardly any flights come all the way to Townsville and those that do are extremely expensive. All and all I'm looking forward to it and will update you often!

Directly after I get back from spring recess Melissa and Dad will arrive and spend four days in Townsville with me. I can't even explain how excited I am for them to visit! There is so much I want to show them and share with them. Plus, I miss my family so much so it will be fantastic to see them. It will also be nice for someone to see what my life is like here, what I've been up to and actually experience Australia with me. I love being here and being independent but it will be wonderful to share some of the experience with people I love.

In preparation of their arrival I have been researching things to do around Townsville. Although I enjoy being at University here it's not exactly the ideal tourist destination so finding things to do for those four days might will take some creativity! I plan on taking them to this fantastic island off the shore called Magnetic Island that I hear is gorgeous and also plan on finding somewhere to sky dive with Melissa! Hopefully between the three of us we can figure out some other fun activities to do. Regardless, I'm just extremely excited to see them and the details of the trip really aren't that important.

After Melissa and Dad leave I have another long weekend (five days) for Easter. I don't really have plans for that break yet - but I do have quite a bit of work due at the end of that break so I will potentially hibernate and study after all my traveling and visitors.

April will end with my assignments and the first week will be consumed with Formal Ball (which is like prom for George Roberts) and getting some early studying in.. because the next week one of my best friends from home, Brittany, is scheduled to come visit! Again with the extreme excitement around having visitors - there is something so special and thrilling about having the opportunity to share this experience with people so close to me. Britt is planning on being here for about eight days during which we will have a fantastic time.

After Britt leaves I have a week full of assignments and exams. That week ends with my final trip of the semester (so far anyway!), my trip to Melbourne. I will be leaving on the last Friday of the month and returning the following Wednesday. We have the entire first week of June off for a "study period" where people are supposed to hunker down and study for their final exams. Final period begins June 5th and continues until the 17th. I have yet to figure out the exact dates of my exams but I'm sure to have at least three in that time period. Once exams are over I fly back home on the 18th and so completes my adventure - the adventure of a lifetime.

So there you have it - the next three months of my life, planned out and organized - full of what are sure to be life changing adventures with family and friends. I promise to keep everyone posted and remind myself daily how truly blessed I am to have this amazing opportunity. I never forget all the people who got me here, who helped me in numerous ways and have and still are supporting me. I wouldn't be here without you, I wouldn't have the courage and the faith to do this without every one of you. I love you with all my heart - thank you for giving me the world.


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