Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sydney Bound

Hey everyone,

So I haven't written in awhile - mainly because absolutely nothing of any interest has happened. Haha, okay well that's not entirely true because every day here seems like an adventure. Basically, I spent the weekend with my textbooks and read.. a lot. I think I read over 300 pages of text - that has to be some sort of record. Can I at least get a high five for that effort? Thanks :)

Monday a bunch of just went to the River for awhile to soak up the sun. I grabbed some of these huge, industrial inner tubes and we made our way there. It was hot as! (That's a saying here..! and one of my favorites!) I actually only stayed for about an hour and a half because I was already starting to get burned. Regardless, it was a great way to mix up the day and the sun always puts me in a great mood.

I also have been sticking to my behavior modification assignment by going to the gym regularly. The other day a bunch of us went for a run around 7:00pm through these neighborhoods behind George Roberts. At first I was hesitant because I'm really not an outdoor type of runner (treadmill please!) but it was fantastic! The temperature was perfect, the humidity from earlier had melted away and the neighborhood had a bunch of hills and things to make the run more entertaining. I felt amazing afterward - so hyped up!

Today was spent in classes - yippie! I played with a virtual rat for two hours and conditioned it to be scared of a little light flashing. If it wasn't a virtual animal I think I would have actually had a problem with it. I also realized how much work I have due within the next couple of days. Okay, well that's actually a lie, I don't have that much it's more that I realized I'm leaving for four days and not going to get anything done. All I really have to do is edit my paper, add in the correct citations and then take two more photographs for my portfolio. Regardless, I had a mini melt down about all the stuff I have due. Also, I found out the photograph I submitted for our first assignment was submitted wrong and he wont give me credit for it.. so for my first ever assignment in Australia I received a huge zero - fantastic start Sara! :)

No worries though because in about 15 hours I'll be flying high above Townsville on my way to Sydney! I'm so excited I can't even contain myself. We are staying at this hostel called X Base right in the center of Sydney. I guess we are in walking distance of the Sydney Bridge as well as the Opera House and other must-see attractions. I just can't wait to get out of George Roberts for a little bit and feel like a real, live adult traveling with my friends.

I don't know how much I'll be able to post while I'm there. I am bringing my computer (called ahead to make sure I could lock it up!) because I'm hoping to get some work done on the flight - of course, stereotypical me! Anyway, I'll update you all as soon as I'm back on all my adventures (I'm sure there will be a lot!) and post lots of pictures.

Love you all so much and miss you xoxo

Talk to you when I talk to you!

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