Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rainy Days

Hey everyone,

I haven't updated in a couple days so I thought you all deserve a quick post.. Well that and I know Dad will kill me if I don't update regularly :) Love you Dad! Hehe! Anyway, nothing overly exciting has happened in the last few days other than continuous rain here in the glorious state of Queensland. I'm actually confused at why Queensland is called the Sunshine State (stole it from Florida!) because it feels like I've seen more rain than sunshine!

We had all planned on heading to the beach today - but I guess that's a no go. In reality it's most likely a good thing it's raining because I need to start cracking down on some of my assignments due at the end of the month. I actually might even get a head start on some of the assignments I have due in April as well because of my extremely busy schedule. I was looking at it the other day, trying to find a good time for Alex and Devin (my roommates back at Quinnipiac) to come and visit and I realized I literally have no free time! It's a little ridiculous how insane the next couple of months are - but I'm excited for the adventures that await!

Greely had their play off game a couple of days ago and I was so upset I missed it. Dan being the last McKersie to play ice hockey I was a little sad about it all being over. Hopefully now he will have a little free time before baseball starts up though - he is perhaps the busiest person I know. It's insane how much I miss both him and Kathleen, but I guess it's a good thing because it shows how lucky I am to have such amazing siblings. Whenever I'm feeling down or a little home sick I think of Dan and his attempts to make me laugh when I'm upset.. or his famous saying of "You should all be thanking me because I make you laugh all the time which makes you live longer". Oh Dan, you are quite the character.

I begin my behavior modification project next week which should be interesting. I have to come up with reinforcements and/or punishments when I go to the gym for the set amount of time each week or when I don't. I have absolutely no idea what those reinforcements/punishments could be but hopefully I'll come up with something that will make this behavior modification thing work. In addition I also plan on renting a camera sometime in the up coming week to begin my first portfolio. I've decided to do a theme of "Truth vs. Lies" and have come up with some pretty cool ideas (or I think so!) for diptychs. Once they are taken I'll post them on here so you all can take a look and see what you think :)

Two more weeks and the craziness begins - look forward to lots of posts and pictures! Miss you all and love you <3

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