Thursday, March 3, 2011


Hello from the land down under!

So my weekend has begun and I spent the day at the beach! I was clearly in need of the sun because prior to going I was exhausted and kind of cranky. As soon as I got in the car, felt the sun and swam in the water my mood was instantly changed. I now blame my cranky mood to the foul weather we have had the last couple of days - and thanks to some good old vitamin D I'm back on top! :)

It's weird how something as random as the sun can completely change your mood. I can't imagine how it must be at home right now with all the snow and cold weather. Here I am complaining about a few rainy days!

Tonight we are heading to the University Club - I'm actually like the only person who hasn't been yet so I need to get my stuff together and go tonight. I find it so funny there is a club on campus that is open to the public! Tonight is some special night (I forget, it's like bludgers or something) where there is live music and it's just very laid back and chill. I'm looking forward to a nice, relaxing night with some good music! Plus, it's within reasonable walking distance which makes it that much better.

It's my friend's birthday here on Sunday and I think a bunch of us are headed to this place near by called Crystal Creek. I guess it's a small creek where people go swimming and camping and stuff. I don't know much about it but I've seen pictures and it looks like you can slide down the rocks and into pools of water - yay! :) I love mini waterfalls!

I also plan to book my trip to Sydney tonight. I know a couple of people who booked it for the last weekend of this month and got tickets for a good price so I'm thinking of just tagging along with them. I want to see the Opera House and go to one of those insane ice bars! I guess you actually given huge jackets and mittens when you go inside!

Anyway - I'll keep you updated!

Love and miss you all <3

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