Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St.Patrick's Day!

Hey there,

So it's actually not St. Patrick's Day here - but I thought since it is at home I'd celebrate with you :) Actually, it's past midnight at home now so I guess it's not there either! I'm failing! Haha Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the holiday, wore green and pinched those who didn't! Specifically you Melissa, since you're like the only actual Irish person I know! :)

Nothing much has happened recently - other than all the hibernating I have been doing. I realized how many assignments I have due in the next couple of weeks and kind of freaked out a little bit! More than anything I'm nervous about turning in papers just because I don't know the level I'm supposed to be at or exactly what the expectations are - guess I'll find out! I also realized I have to get the majority of my work done this weekend because on Thursday I'm leaving for Sydney!

Excited doesn't even cover my feelings towards heading to Sydney. It's my first big trip here and the first trip I've ever taken that is with a small group of peers just figuring stuff out as we go. We have zero plans other than where we are staying. I'm looking forward to experiencing that type of trip - where you just do what you want when you want to do it - see what you want to see.

Anyway - I really thought that I would have more to say but I'm coming up blank! I think the most exciting part of my week was finally Skyping with Melissa since I haven't really talked to her since being here. It was so nice to see her and catch up a little bit! I found it ironic because as soon as she was around to talk suddenly Dan and Kathleen were interested in Skyping me - something I've been hunting them down to do for weeks! Oh well - I was happy to see all their faces regardless.

I guess I'll leave you here - maybe do some reading or watch another Disney movie! :)

Love and miss you all xoxo

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