Friday, March 11, 2011

Rain Rain, Please Go Away :(

Hey everyone!

So it's raining again here - and I don't think it's stopped in three days. I just checked the weather forecast and it looks like it is supposed to continue for the next four or five days. :( To make matters worse I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick - I have a nice scratchy throat thing going on as well as a fantastic headache. Oh well, at least I'm in Australia :) I use that line whenever things aren't going particularly well because it's true.. how can things ever be that bad when I'm having the adventure of a life time?

I don't have much planned for the rest of this weekend other than to curl up in my bed and watch some Disney movies with my wonderful Build-A-Bear best friend, Dylan. Also, I have all these crazy assessments looming over my head that I really should try and get a head start on. We will see how that goes.

Oh! I did have quite the adventure yesterday that I completely forgot about until now. So I was at dinner, completely ready to just head back to my room and watch some Castle episodes (yes Kathleen you have gotten me hooked!) So I was sitting at dinner and these girls down the table from me were talking about how yesterday the head RA (who happens to be American) found this small store down the street that sells Reeses peanut butter cups and Dr. Pepper. Now if anyone knows me at all they know although I love Reese every once and awhile I'm not a huge fan and I hardly ever drink soda.. but as these girls talked about authentic American food I had an unbelievable craving!

So it was decided - we literally scarfed down our food and grabbed our rain jackets. Did I mention it was completely down pouring outside as well? We decided to take a back way to the store and ended up having to go through those tunnels I fell in during the first week here (same ones that gave me my wonderful nickname of Slippy!) Due to the copious amounts of rain lately there was literally a rushing river through the tunnels - making it that much harder to navigate. I held onto the side of the tunnel for dear life and shuffled along, making it to the other side safely. I wish I could explain what an amazing feat this was! I was quite proud of myself and my balancing abilities! I attribute it to back in the day when Dad used to take us to the beach in the Cape and I would jump around from rock to rock like some type of four legged creature.

Anyway - we made it through the rain and the rivers and got to the store where I found my wonderful reeses. The best part? They cost like $3.50 for one little package of two! I didn't really care though and because I was on a mission to stock up like all of George Roberts Hall I packed my arms full and went to the counter. I couldn't even wait until we left the store before I ripped open the orange packaging and took a huge bite out of one of the cups. It was absolutely delicious and I spent the rest of the walk back savoring every bite (took nice small bites like Melissa taught me to do with especially delicious foods!).

When we got back I made heaps of Australians try the amazing American candy and although some were quite impressed others couldn't understand the hype. Either way the Americans were happy devouring the candy for the rest of the night.

And that concludes my epic adventure to capture the wonderful peanut butter and chocolately taste of Reeses peanut butter cups. We will see what today holds, but for some reason I don't think anything will top that amazing adventure.

Love & miss you all <3

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