Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hey there!

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve blogged but I’ve had the most insane past couple of days! As you know I spent Thursday through Monday in Sydney which was absolutely amazing – something I will never forget. Once back in Townsville I had to seriously crack down on some assignments because the week after next is spring break which means the lecturers are piling on the work load now!

I do want to give you a quick summary of my time in Sydney.. which started on Thursday afternoon around 3:00pm when we got to our hostel called X Base. I was surprised to find how perfectly positioned it was – we were right next to one of the largest streets running through Sydney and only about a 20 minute walk from the Opera House and Sydney Bridge. As soon as our taxi dropped us off in front of the hostel we quickly checked in and threw our bags in our room. We stayed in a small room with ten beds (bunk beds) that squeaked worse than any bed I’ve never been in – needless to say I barely slept during my stay.

Once we had dropped out bags we immediately hit the pavement – heading in the general direction of the water. It was the most amazing, beautiful day and we snapped pictures as we weaved our ways through the streets of Sydney. The lighting was perfect as it was late afternoon and the sun was beginning to set. I was in amazement at the buildings and people – it was one of the most unique and interesting cities I have ever visited.

We made it down to the Sydney harbor just as the sun was setting and got some amazing pictures of the bridge and opera house. It was the first time I really felt like I was in Australia – seeing the historical landmarks just made everything so much more real. I was also travelling with a small group of my peers which made me feel so independent and just.. alive. I don’t know it’s hard to explain, but that first day in Sydney was just magical – nothing in the world could bring me down.

After walking for about four hours we decided our stomachs needed to be fed and headed to this little restaurant we had spotted earlier. I had the most amazing chicken risotto and we took our time enjoying each other’s company and marvelling at our surroundings. All and all it was an amazing day and perhaps one of the best days I’ve had in Australia up to this point.

The next day (Friday) we woke up and went exploring yet again – wanting to see the city in the morning. We walked for about three hours then headed back to X Base for a free bus ride to the beach with a BBQ included. We squeezed on this giant party bus with other residents of X Base and spent the ride to the beach dancing and singing to the blaring music. It was quite the experience and so much fun. Once at the beach we all hung out and the representatives from X Base organized some games on the beach that a lot of people participated in.

Saturday was a cold and overcast day, but it didn’t stop us from waking up early and exploring the city some more. We headed to the harbor again and bought tickets for the ferry to the zoo. The ferry ride, despite the cold weather, was actually enjoyable because we were able to see the harbor from a completely different view. The zoo itself was absolutely amazing and the rain held off until just before we were leaving. I was surprised at how close we were able to get to the animals and the views from the zoo were incredible – the zoo itself is on a giant hill that overlooks the harbor.

Saturday night we spent getting to know our other roommates – four English travellers about our ages. Two of them were girls who were friends from home and happened to meet up in Sydney. One of them plans to stay for awhile and currently has a job at a school and the other was making a quick stop before heading to L.A. The other two roommates were guys who decided to take a year off before heading to college and travel together. They had just been in New Zealand for three weeks and are planning to drive up the coast of Australia then heading to China for three weeks. It was so interesting just talking to them about their travels - the things they have seen and places they have been.

Sunday was our last day in Sydney and we spent it wandering around yet again – we walked for over five hours, exploring new parts of the city. We decided to walk all the way to the bridge and on our way passed this street called the Rocks. Apparently every Sunday they have a farmers market there and we when we passed we were surprisingly met by hundreds of little tents set up all along the road. People were selling everything from strawberries dipped in chocolate to Christmas ornaments. We had a great time just wandering through the tents, trying free samples and looking at the crafts made by Australians. Eventually we made it to the bridge and walked about half way across – spending time just to stop and look out the city. By the time we got back to X Base it was already dinner time so we washed up and headed to George Street (the major street in Sydney) and grabbed a quick bite to eat.

Our last night in Sydney included us all snuggling up in our room and watching movies on my computer. It was a nice, relaxing way to end the most amazing trip. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the amazing café that was right down the street from X Base. I found it the first morning in Sydney and had a cup of coffee and breakfast sandwich there every morning after. It was a little Mum and Pop shop owned by this adorable Greek family. I absolutely loved the atmosphere and the food was delicious! Perhaps one of my favorite parts about Sydney was finding my little café!

Anyway – since being back I’ve buckled down and been trying to get a lot of work done. I have already turned in two assignments since being back and next week is full of midterms. Tomorrow night we have this big get together with all of George Roberts and other than that I will not be socializing with anyone this weekend – it’s time to get serious! J

Hopefully I’ll have time to post here and there this next week – Sorry for the long span between this one and the last one!

Love and miss you all xoxo 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sydney Bound

Hey everyone,

So I haven't written in awhile - mainly because absolutely nothing of any interest has happened. Haha, okay well that's not entirely true because every day here seems like an adventure. Basically, I spent the weekend with my textbooks and read.. a lot. I think I read over 300 pages of text - that has to be some sort of record. Can I at least get a high five for that effort? Thanks :)

Monday a bunch of just went to the River for awhile to soak up the sun. I grabbed some of these huge, industrial inner tubes and we made our way there. It was hot as! (That's a saying here..! and one of my favorites!) I actually only stayed for about an hour and a half because I was already starting to get burned. Regardless, it was a great way to mix up the day and the sun always puts me in a great mood.

I also have been sticking to my behavior modification assignment by going to the gym regularly. The other day a bunch of us went for a run around 7:00pm through these neighborhoods behind George Roberts. At first I was hesitant because I'm really not an outdoor type of runner (treadmill please!) but it was fantastic! The temperature was perfect, the humidity from earlier had melted away and the neighborhood had a bunch of hills and things to make the run more entertaining. I felt amazing afterward - so hyped up!

Today was spent in classes - yippie! I played with a virtual rat for two hours and conditioned it to be scared of a little light flashing. If it wasn't a virtual animal I think I would have actually had a problem with it. I also realized how much work I have due within the next couple of days. Okay, well that's actually a lie, I don't have that much it's more that I realized I'm leaving for four days and not going to get anything done. All I really have to do is edit my paper, add in the correct citations and then take two more photographs for my portfolio. Regardless, I had a mini melt down about all the stuff I have due. Also, I found out the photograph I submitted for our first assignment was submitted wrong and he wont give me credit for it.. so for my first ever assignment in Australia I received a huge zero - fantastic start Sara! :)

No worries though because in about 15 hours I'll be flying high above Townsville on my way to Sydney! I'm so excited I can't even contain myself. We are staying at this hostel called X Base right in the center of Sydney. I guess we are in walking distance of the Sydney Bridge as well as the Opera House and other must-see attractions. I just can't wait to get out of George Roberts for a little bit and feel like a real, live adult traveling with my friends.

I don't know how much I'll be able to post while I'm there. I am bringing my computer (called ahead to make sure I could lock it up!) because I'm hoping to get some work done on the flight - of course, stereotypical me! Anyway, I'll update you all as soon as I'm back on all my adventures (I'm sure there will be a lot!) and post lots of pictures.

Love you all so much and miss you xoxo

Talk to you when I talk to you!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Photographs! :)

Hey everyone,

Today I went for a hike behind the University and took some pictures. I know some of you may be interested to see what my dorm looks like and stuff so I decided I'd upload a few that I took before leaving George Roberts. I'd give you all an update on what's going on here but it's been completely dead. I've spent most of the weekend in my room trying to study and write papers. My complete lack of social life is mainly due to the fact that all the Australians have left us this weekend - and even some of the Americans. It's absolutely dead and almost creepy here at good old GR.

Anyway - I'll update as soon as something interesting happens, which I hope is soon! :) Count down to Sydney is now at five days! Yay!!

Love and miss you all xoxo

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St.Patrick's Day!

Hey there,

So it's actually not St. Patrick's Day here - but I thought since it is at home I'd celebrate with you :) Actually, it's past midnight at home now so I guess it's not there either! I'm failing! Haha Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the holiday, wore green and pinched those who didn't! Specifically you Melissa, since you're like the only actual Irish person I know! :)

Nothing much has happened recently - other than all the hibernating I have been doing. I realized how many assignments I have due in the next couple of weeks and kind of freaked out a little bit! More than anything I'm nervous about turning in papers just because I don't know the level I'm supposed to be at or exactly what the expectations are - guess I'll find out! I also realized I have to get the majority of my work done this weekend because on Thursday I'm leaving for Sydney!

Excited doesn't even cover my feelings towards heading to Sydney. It's my first big trip here and the first trip I've ever taken that is with a small group of peers just figuring stuff out as we go. We have zero plans other than where we are staying. I'm looking forward to experiencing that type of trip - where you just do what you want when you want to do it - see what you want to see.

Anyway - I really thought that I would have more to say but I'm coming up blank! I think the most exciting part of my week was finally Skyping with Melissa since I haven't really talked to her since being here. It was so nice to see her and catch up a little bit! I found it ironic because as soon as she was around to talk suddenly Dan and Kathleen were interested in Skyping me - something I've been hunting them down to do for weeks! Oh well - I was happy to see all their faces regardless.

I guess I'll leave you here - maybe do some reading or watch another Disney movie! :)

Love and miss you all xoxo

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Portfolio 1


So I told you I would upload some of my photographs for my class.. I have taken three different themes so far and will post a couple of my favorites.

Hope you like them! :)

Rain & Photographs

Hey there,

So it's Tuesday night here and has been raining pretty much all day. I had an early morning, 8:00am social psychology class, and found myself walking there in a light drizzle. I wasn't quite as lucky when I walked to my next class, finding myself in a complete down pour. I was lucky though because there was a break in the storm just as I made the trek back to George Roberts.

With all this rain comes some serious flooding which brings me to my Monday night. I had been putting laundry off for about.. ever and finally decided it was time to man up - that and I was fresh out of clean shirts :) So around 8:00pm I put my laundry in and prepared for a nice, relaxing night in. As I was coming back from switching my laundry to the dryer it started to massively down pour - heaps and heaps of rain like I've never seen before. I was just standing on the ledge to my room watching it pour. Across the way some people started emerging from their rooms with skim boards, prepared to skim across the grass. I watched in amazement as slowly but surely the original boarders were joined by more people ready to try their luck across the lawn.

I was then struck my the thoughts of my previous post - about living in the moment and sometimes doing things without making a pro and con list beforehand. So I forgot my laundry, grabbed the only clean clothing I had and made my way through the pond that was now forming. The rain was so heavy I could feel it almost stinging against my skin as I ran through the grass. I looked up and took in the moment - like I told myself I would do. There I was, standing in the pouring rain and I wasn't cold, there I was amongst almost strangers squinting to see in the dark.

When I finally got my laundry and neatly folded it I was again struck by the opportunities given to those who choose to live the unplanned life. When things aren't mapped out, scheduled to a tee, then one finds themselves surrounding by time - time that can be filled with small adventures.

Speaking of adventures I had quite the experience today. This morning my friend and I decided to plan out our photography project that is quickly approaching. Knowing I have just about zero experience with a camera I wanted to get a jump start in case my ideas didn't pan out the exact way I want. As we bounced ideas off of one another our excitement for the project grew and we decided to start taking pictures later that afternoon.After class I grabbed some props and headed to Nicole's room where she was applying copious amounts of make-up. I laid my props across the floor of her common room and began to organize them in an "artistic" manner. I have to say I have a whole new appreciation for photographers!

The theme I'm going for is Truth vs. Lies and this diptych was intended to show a woman in intense make-up and then the same woman with a clean face. I put Nicole in a flashy shirt and had her lay down behind the props I'd organized earlier. The props consisted of make up, brushes, nail polish and every other girly thing you can think of. I worked with the depth of the photograph, trying to make Nicole sharp and the props blurry. It was much harder than I originally thought but all and all I think I got a pretty good photograph out of it.

Next we moved on to the bathroom where I had Nicole wet her hair and shed her make up. I wanted to work with shutter speed and catch Nicole splashing water over her face. Between the horrible light and small, awkward shape of our bathrooms I was unable to get the image I was looking for. Instead we opted to take advantage of the storm outside. Nicole had the idea of standing outside under a stream of water falling from the top floor of George Roberts. Although they aren't perfect I have to say they are pretty amazing shots. I'm so excited just thinking about them! I was able to catch the water droplets actually flowing down her face and she did a fantastic job as a model.

All and all I was extremely happy with the first attempt. I'm now working on the last two sets of pairs and will let you know how they go! Also, the photographs I've already taken are on Nicole's camera but as soon as I upload them I'll post a few of my favorites and you can let me know what you think! But be easy because it's my first attempt behind a camera!

Anyway - I'm headed to get some work done and maybe go to the gym! I have to start that behavior modification thing at some point I suppose! :)

Love and miss you all <3

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Small Things

Hey there,

I realized something the other day - something that I hope to take with me throughout the duration of this trip as well as the rest of my life. I realized that sometimes the best moments in life aren't the ones that are supposed to be important - sometimes they aren't the ones that are glamours or adventurous. Sometimes the best times in the world are simple moments that we take for granted, that we pass by without even thought.

Yesterday I was driving with some people to Stockies, a shopping center down the street from the Uni. It had been raining for days (and still is) but for a moment there were clear skies. I watched as rain continued to fall, and those around me called it a sun shower. As I sat in the middle seat, in the very back of a very small car I realize that it is moments like these that will make up my trip here in Australia and the rest of my life.

I looked out the window and saw the mountains towering above, I saw the sun beaming down on us and I heard the loud music blasting from the car stereo. I looked around and saw people laughing and caught my own reflection in the rear view mirror. I looked at myself, at the girl staring back at me and realized how far I've come in just a short time. My skin is a little tanner, my hair a little longer, but those weren't the changes I was seeing in the person looking back at me. I smiled and softly sung the words of an upbeat song.

In that car ride I was living in the moment - which is why I think I enjoyed it so much. I wasn't concerned with what might be, what is or what could be. I wasn't thinking about what happened yesterday or what's happening in an hour. All that mattered was what was right there, right then.

I've had a few moments like that in the past and they stick with me for awhile. For some reason they typically occur in a car. One specific time I remember was toward the end of my freshman year in college. Alex and I had to get some boxes to pack up our Quinnipiac lives and move back home. Her good friend Michael picked us up and took us to get our boxes and some ice cream. I remember having that exact same feeling - the sun on my skin, the sound of music and laughter. It's one of those moments, for some reason, that has stuck with me all this time. I think it's because in that moment I was living completely in the moment - something I rarely find myself able to do.

So I guess that's my challenge for myself while I'm here. I want to have more moments like that, moments where I catch myself smiling for no reason other than because of the happiness that surrounds living life. I want to acknowledge living, acknowledge the small moments that compile our lives - the ones that fill in the adventures and larger events. It is in these moments that we discover who we are, that we practice who we want to be, where we test the waters and where we grow. It is in these simple moments we have the ability to find the most happiness, to love the person we are and to appreciate the gift of living.

I hope that we can do this together - that you will also take the time to notice those moments where you feel most alive - those moments we often completely disregard. I'd love to hear about those moments and how you react to them - do you get the same feeling?

I love you all & miss you terribly..

I'm off to appreciate those moments & fill my stomach with some wonderful Australian grub! ;)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Rain Rain, Please Go Away :(

Hey everyone!

So it's raining again here - and I don't think it's stopped in three days. I just checked the weather forecast and it looks like it is supposed to continue for the next four or five days. :( To make matters worse I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick - I have a nice scratchy throat thing going on as well as a fantastic headache. Oh well, at least I'm in Australia :) I use that line whenever things aren't going particularly well because it's true.. how can things ever be that bad when I'm having the adventure of a life time?

I don't have much planned for the rest of this weekend other than to curl up in my bed and watch some Disney movies with my wonderful Build-A-Bear best friend, Dylan. Also, I have all these crazy assessments looming over my head that I really should try and get a head start on. We will see how that goes.

Oh! I did have quite the adventure yesterday that I completely forgot about until now. So I was at dinner, completely ready to just head back to my room and watch some Castle episodes (yes Kathleen you have gotten me hooked!) So I was sitting at dinner and these girls down the table from me were talking about how yesterday the head RA (who happens to be American) found this small store down the street that sells Reeses peanut butter cups and Dr. Pepper. Now if anyone knows me at all they know although I love Reese every once and awhile I'm not a huge fan and I hardly ever drink soda.. but as these girls talked about authentic American food I had an unbelievable craving!

So it was decided - we literally scarfed down our food and grabbed our rain jackets. Did I mention it was completely down pouring outside as well? We decided to take a back way to the store and ended up having to go through those tunnels I fell in during the first week here (same ones that gave me my wonderful nickname of Slippy!) Due to the copious amounts of rain lately there was literally a rushing river through the tunnels - making it that much harder to navigate. I held onto the side of the tunnel for dear life and shuffled along, making it to the other side safely. I wish I could explain what an amazing feat this was! I was quite proud of myself and my balancing abilities! I attribute it to back in the day when Dad used to take us to the beach in the Cape and I would jump around from rock to rock like some type of four legged creature.

Anyway - we made it through the rain and the rivers and got to the store where I found my wonderful reeses. The best part? They cost like $3.50 for one little package of two! I didn't really care though and because I was on a mission to stock up like all of George Roberts Hall I packed my arms full and went to the counter. I couldn't even wait until we left the store before I ripped open the orange packaging and took a huge bite out of one of the cups. It was absolutely delicious and I spent the rest of the walk back savoring every bite (took nice small bites like Melissa taught me to do with especially delicious foods!).

When we got back I made heaps of Australians try the amazing American candy and although some were quite impressed others couldn't understand the hype. Either way the Americans were happy devouring the candy for the rest of the night.

And that concludes my epic adventure to capture the wonderful peanut butter and chocolately taste of Reeses peanut butter cups. We will see what today holds, but for some reason I don't think anything will top that amazing adventure.

Love & miss you all <3

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rainy Days

Hey everyone,

I haven't updated in a couple days so I thought you all deserve a quick post.. Well that and I know Dad will kill me if I don't update regularly :) Love you Dad! Hehe! Anyway, nothing overly exciting has happened in the last few days other than continuous rain here in the glorious state of Queensland. I'm actually confused at why Queensland is called the Sunshine State (stole it from Florida!) because it feels like I've seen more rain than sunshine!

We had all planned on heading to the beach today - but I guess that's a no go. In reality it's most likely a good thing it's raining because I need to start cracking down on some of my assignments due at the end of the month. I actually might even get a head start on some of the assignments I have due in April as well because of my extremely busy schedule. I was looking at it the other day, trying to find a good time for Alex and Devin (my roommates back at Quinnipiac) to come and visit and I realized I literally have no free time! It's a little ridiculous how insane the next couple of months are - but I'm excited for the adventures that await!

Greely had their play off game a couple of days ago and I was so upset I missed it. Dan being the last McKersie to play ice hockey I was a little sad about it all being over. Hopefully now he will have a little free time before baseball starts up though - he is perhaps the busiest person I know. It's insane how much I miss both him and Kathleen, but I guess it's a good thing because it shows how lucky I am to have such amazing siblings. Whenever I'm feeling down or a little home sick I think of Dan and his attempts to make me laugh when I'm upset.. or his famous saying of "You should all be thanking me because I make you laugh all the time which makes you live longer". Oh Dan, you are quite the character.

I begin my behavior modification project next week which should be interesting. I have to come up with reinforcements and/or punishments when I go to the gym for the set amount of time each week or when I don't. I have absolutely no idea what those reinforcements/punishments could be but hopefully I'll come up with something that will make this behavior modification thing work. In addition I also plan on renting a camera sometime in the up coming week to begin my first portfolio. I've decided to do a theme of "Truth vs. Lies" and have come up with some pretty cool ideas (or I think so!) for diptychs. Once they are taken I'll post them on here so you all can take a look and see what you think :)

Two more weeks and the craziness begins - look forward to lots of posts and pictures! Miss you all and love you <3

Monday, March 7, 2011

Round 2?

Well hello again,

It's been about 12 hours since I last wrote and I thought I'd give you all another update - mainly because I'm super bored and don't want to read anymore. I'm about 100 pages in and have around 40 left.. oh how I love the Australian education system! :) It's funny because I was talking to some people at dinner today about how you cannot get around reading your textbooks here. At Quinnipiac it seems like a waste of time to spend copious amounts of time doing all the required reading, however at James Cook if you don't read you miss vital information and I'm sure you wont do well.

After finishing two weeks of classes I have a pretty good idea of what classes might be a challenge, what classes I'll rarely attend and what classes I'll need to do all the reading (and some!) to do decent in. My social psychology lecture seems informational, while the tutorial seems like a waste of time. I do feel that I should read prior to each class just to better understand the material and I actually don't mind the textbook, it's rather easy to understand and interesting material. As for my learning and behavior class I think actually going to the lecture is a complete waste of my time and the tutorial will be much more informative. I think as far as reading goes for that class it will be crucial I read 100% of the text, take notes and completely understand it.

On another note I guess it was a good thing it rained all day today because instead of going to the river I sat in my room and read. Although I have to say it's rather depressing here in when it rains. Everyone hibernates in their rooms because when it rains it pours - like absolutely floods everything. If you are out in it for more than five seconds you are drenched and in need of a change of clothing. I pulled out my fantastic, pink rain boots today because I was done with constantly having wet feet, only to realize rain boots are not socially acceptable in Australia. But do you think I care? Absolutely not - my feet were nice and dry and toasty and I was one happy camper! :)

The rainy day also gave me the opportunity to rally the troops and get everyone to officially agree to spring break (lecture recess as they call it here) in Bali. I had been doing quite a bit of research the past fews day (felt like Melissa!) and I'm just happy it's finally all planned and booked. In looking at my ICalendar (my favorite new tool on my Mac) I'm in for quite the next few months. Next weekend we have a huge get together for George Roberts (my dorm) which will kick off the start to an insane couple of months.

The last week in March I'm heading to Sydney with a couple of people to experience the Opera House and the Sydney bridge. The plan is to spend Thursday - Sunday in a hostel right in the middle of the city. I'm not completely sure which hostel yet, but my friends have done the research so I'm excited. There are also these bars all over Sydney called ice bars where the entire place (including the cups!) are made of ice and upon entering they give you large winter jackets and gloves! We made the conscious decision that we would have to check that out and at least grab something to eat there.

After Sydney I have eleven days, during which I have mid-semester exams, and then spring recess begins! Having Mondays and Fridays off means I have a whole eleven days of break. The first few days we (I'm traveling with 3 others) are going to spend in Cairns which I have heard is a must-see. We could either take a quick flight there or take a rather long bus ride. I think we are leaning toward the bus ride just because it's cheaper and would be an "adventure". We have friends in Cairns who did the Culture Adventure Program through AustraLearn with us in Brisbane so it will be nice to catch up with them. Also, there is amazing diving and snorkeling there which I'm looking forward to.

After a couple of days in Cairns we fly out on Sunday and head to Bali! I still can't believe I'm going to Bali! How lucky and blessed am I?! We were able to grab some great priced tickets too which makes the trip that much more exciting. Originally we were deciding between Fiji and Bali but living expenses (accommodations, food, transportation) are just so much cheaper in Bali so we decided on that. We were able to grab a very nice looking hostel for pretty cheap and the location is amazing. We will be staying right on the beach with a bunch of markets near by. Another great aspect is that the hostel we are staying at is very popular for backpackers and apparently a great place to meet people - which is always a plus!

We will be in Bali until the following Saturday, giving us a good six days and six nights in paradise. I believe we get in during the early afternoon on Sunday and leave at 10:00pm on the following Saturday. Anyway - we will then take a bus or plane from Cairns back to Townsville because hardly any flights come all the way to Townsville and those that do are extremely expensive. All and all I'm looking forward to it and will update you often!

Directly after I get back from spring recess Melissa and Dad will arrive and spend four days in Townsville with me. I can't even explain how excited I am for them to visit! There is so much I want to show them and share with them. Plus, I miss my family so much so it will be fantastic to see them. It will also be nice for someone to see what my life is like here, what I've been up to and actually experience Australia with me. I love being here and being independent but it will be wonderful to share some of the experience with people I love.

In preparation of their arrival I have been researching things to do around Townsville. Although I enjoy being at University here it's not exactly the ideal tourist destination so finding things to do for those four days might will take some creativity! I plan on taking them to this fantastic island off the shore called Magnetic Island that I hear is gorgeous and also plan on finding somewhere to sky dive with Melissa! Hopefully between the three of us we can figure out some other fun activities to do. Regardless, I'm just extremely excited to see them and the details of the trip really aren't that important.

After Melissa and Dad leave I have another long weekend (five days) for Easter. I don't really have plans for that break yet - but I do have quite a bit of work due at the end of that break so I will potentially hibernate and study after all my traveling and visitors.

April will end with my assignments and the first week will be consumed with Formal Ball (which is like prom for George Roberts) and getting some early studying in.. because the next week one of my best friends from home, Brittany, is scheduled to come visit! Again with the extreme excitement around having visitors - there is something so special and thrilling about having the opportunity to share this experience with people so close to me. Britt is planning on being here for about eight days during which we will have a fantastic time.

After Britt leaves I have a week full of assignments and exams. That week ends with my final trip of the semester (so far anyway!), my trip to Melbourne. I will be leaving on the last Friday of the month and returning the following Wednesday. We have the entire first week of June off for a "study period" where people are supposed to hunker down and study for their final exams. Final period begins June 5th and continues until the 17th. I have yet to figure out the exact dates of my exams but I'm sure to have at least three in that time period. Once exams are over I fly back home on the 18th and so completes my adventure - the adventure of a lifetime.

So there you have it - the next three months of my life, planned out and organized - full of what are sure to be life changing adventures with family and friends. I promise to keep everyone posted and remind myself daily how truly blessed I am to have this amazing opportunity. I never forget all the people who got me here, who helped me in numerous ways and have and still are supporting me. I wouldn't be here without you, I wouldn't have the courage and the faith to do this without every one of you. I love you with all my heart - thank you for giving me the world.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Waterfalls & 6:00am Basketball

Hey all :)

So I'm up nice and early at the moment trying my best to stay connected with Quinnipiac by listening to the semi-final game online. I guess it's more than trying to stay connected because Luke is doing color for the game and in my completely unbiased opinion I think he's doing quite a good job! :)

This weekend I watched my first cricket game and tried to learn the very confusing and kind of awkward looking game. I always thought it was a game similar to baseball but other than having a field, a ball and a "bat" I really didn't see any similarities. My favorite part? They actually stop for tea breaks - how funny is that?! I was watching Sri Lanka and Australia play in a one day game, apparently they normally go on for five days straight! Unfortunately (or not?) it started raining early in the game and they had to stop completely until the rain ceased. Apparently these rain breaks can last hours so a bunch of us went outside for some late night volleyball.

Yesterday a bunch of us got together to make the 45 minute drive to crystal creek, a swimming area as mentioned before that is made out of a bunch of small waterfalls. Prior to leaving it looked very much like rain but we decided a little Australian rain wasn't about to stop us. We also tried to pack lunches from the dining hall and was yelled at by the lunch ladies for "stealing food". I guess during the weekend if we aren't going to be there for lunch we are out of luck and they are not allowed to let us make packed lunches! I was a little stocked.

The drive over was actually pretty nice - but I tend to be a fan of car rides in general. We piled into cars and I enjoyed the scenic views. When we finally got to crystal creek it was raining, but without worry we all made the trek to the rocks and dove into the warm, bath like water. There was quite a bit of current, the rain increasing it's speed, which took us down through some rocks and to this small rock island where some of us hung out for awhile. Soon it was pouring so we gathered our wet towels and clothing. Heading back to the cars someone had the idea of heading further up the creek to a place where there were more waterfalls and some cliffs to jump off. About half of us agreed so we made the decision to leave our belongings in the car and trek back up the creek.

It didn't take long for the American's to realize that when an Australian tells you it's okay to leave your shoes back at the car, never ever listen. Apparently Australian feet are much tougher than ours because as we whimpered in pain from the sharp rocks coating the road most of the Australia's seemed to skip their way across. The cool water at the end of the journey was welcomed by our sore feet. At the new place on the creek we were able to sit on the rocks and the water would rush behind us and send us down the small water falls. We also found an area where people were cliff jumping and although very hesitant at first I was convinced to try. The only thing I could think of was at Sebago this summer when Dad and Dan jumped from the ridiculously high cliff and some how lived - so I sucked it up and jumped. I made the horrible mistake of jumping with someone else which I learned was very bad after I had already jumped. We were told to jump into the clear area then swim swiftly in a straight line towards the white area as fast as possible, the current would then take us around to the side where our friends were waiting to pull us up.

My friends had made this process look so easy so I didn't think much of it, but when I jumped in it was anything but pretty getting out. Emma, the girl I jumped with, jumped closer to the white water and was able to swim in front of me. Bad idea, because I was stuck in the current crashing against the wall, pulling my head under and giving me quite the work out. One of my friends then jumped in and because she knew what she was doing swiftly swam to the white water, leaving me gasping for breath while I waited for yet another person to go in front of me. I was beginning to feel very tired and scared as the water continued to rush over my head and I was being pushed up against the rocks. All of the sudden I heard one of my friends yell "Guys, Sara is getting really tired!" so I knew someone was paying attention and kicked myself off the rocks and swam like a crazy person towards the white water. I looked up and saw my friend's out stretched hand and grabbed on as he literally yanked me from the water. I looked like a beached whale as I panted and laid on the smooth rock surface, trying to catch my breath.

I made that sound very dramatic, but it really wasn't that bad. I think it felt worse because I really don't have much experience with currents so I felt I was in a scarier situation than I actually was. Regardless, my friends were watching me the whole time and I was told my RA was ready to dive in at a moments notice if it looked liked I needed help.

After the cliff jumping the rain began to get heavier and out of fear our cars would get stuck in the banks of the creek we decided to call it a day and grab some ice cream down the street. All and all it was a great day and the rain actually made it fun. We all agreed to come back on a sunny day so we could spend the whole day basking on the rocks, but regardless the rainy day trek was completely worth it. I was absolutely in love with the warm rain, and as we walked back to the cars the amazement of being in Australia hit me. It seems to do that, at the most random times - but when I truly am aware of where I am and what I'm doing I get overwhelmed in the most amazing way, realizing all the new experiences I'm having and how truly lucky I am to be having them.

The night ended in warm showers, a quick run to the gym and cake for my friends birthday. I left the others pretty early in determination to get started on my large amount of reading. I was impressed by my productivity and read over 100 pages for environmental history before passing out in bed. Today I will finish the rest and hopefully head to the river after lunch for a nice relaxing afternoon.

Love and miss you all <3

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Hello from the land down under!

So my weekend has begun and I spent the day at the beach! I was clearly in need of the sun because prior to going I was exhausted and kind of cranky. As soon as I got in the car, felt the sun and swam in the water my mood was instantly changed. I now blame my cranky mood to the foul weather we have had the last couple of days - and thanks to some good old vitamin D I'm back on top! :)

It's weird how something as random as the sun can completely change your mood. I can't imagine how it must be at home right now with all the snow and cold weather. Here I am complaining about a few rainy days!

Tonight we are heading to the University Club - I'm actually like the only person who hasn't been yet so I need to get my stuff together and go tonight. I find it so funny there is a club on campus that is open to the public! Tonight is some special night (I forget, it's like bludgers or something) where there is live music and it's just very laid back and chill. I'm looking forward to a nice, relaxing night with some good music! Plus, it's within reasonable walking distance which makes it that much better.

It's my friend's birthday here on Sunday and I think a bunch of us are headed to this place near by called Crystal Creek. I guess it's a small creek where people go swimming and camping and stuff. I don't know much about it but I've seen pictures and it looks like you can slide down the rocks and into pools of water - yay! :) I love mini waterfalls!

I also plan to book my trip to Sydney tonight. I know a couple of people who booked it for the last weekend of this month and got tickets for a good price so I'm thinking of just tagging along with them. I want to see the Opera House and go to one of those insane ice bars! I guess you actually given huge jackets and mittens when you go inside!

Anyway - I'll keep you updated!

Love and miss you all <3

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dinner Party!

Hey :)

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update before I literally pass out on my bed. I'm so exhausted for some reason - maybe from the seven hours of class I had! Actually, it really wasn't that bad. I stated out in photography lecture which was only about 40 minutes of my lecturer explaining the basic functions of a digital camera. After we all headed to the computer lab to dabble in photoshop for a bit. We had to complete an assignment that involved resizing some imaged, doing things with layering and changing background colors. Once we were finished we were free to go. I suppose Melissa's photoshop talents have rubbed off on me because I was done within 40 minutes or so.

Getting out of class early (at 10:40 opposed to 12:00) I headed back to George Roberts and actually made lunch! I had packed a lunch during breakfast and it's now sitting in my fridge for the next time I'm ravishing! After lunch I trekked back to campus where I had my learning and behavior lecture. I got lost for the second time (I literally think the building moves locations!) but I left 45 minutes early so I was just on time! That lecture was possibly the most boring, horrible thing I have ever sat through. I don't plan on attending many of those classes as he simply reads out of the book and his way of explaining the material simply confuses me more.

I was let out of that class early (again!) and had an awkward two hours before my tutorial in that same class so I again slummed my way back to George Roberts (it really is quite the walk!) As I was leaving to go back out to class at 4:00 I stopped by the office and was told I had a package! I had been expecting it for awhile and was so happy it finally got here (thanks Mom!). I unfortunately didn't have time to open it so I ran to my room, dropped it off and made my way back to campus.

My tutorial for learning and behavior potentially saved the class for me. The tutor is very engaging and interesting - I think I'm really going to like her. She kept us for the full two hours and it literally flew by. She explains things really well and hopefully between her and my text book I'll get something useful from the class. She spent some of the tutorial talking about the behavior modification project we are doing - which I'm really excited about. As I mentioned before we get to pick a behavior we either want to do more of or less of. This week it will be our job to choose our behavior and document our emotions, environmental cues and social cues surrounding that behavior. I'm loving it so far! :)

Anyway - after my class I ran back to George Roberts where I was quickly whisked off campus to a friend's house for some home cooked food! It was a great evening with amazing food - in fact I just got back moments ago. I think I'm in one of those food comas you get after Thanksgiving because as soon as I was finished eating I felt super sleepy, as did everyone else. Gabby, an Australia who lives in George Roberts, made this wonderful sweet potato and chicken lasagna with salad and cheese cake with blue berries for desert. It was hands done the best meal I have had since being in Australia and the first time I have felt so full. My stomach is so happy right now! First time in weeks it hasn't been upset after eating!

I was so happy to be invited to the dinner party and ended up having a great time. We made plans to all go out together this weekend which I think will be a great time. I'm also looking forward to this weekend because I think I'm going to finalize some of my travel plans - which will give me things to look forward to (besides Dad and Mel visiting!).

Alright well the food coma is getting the best of me - I'll update you all later this week.

Love & miss you all!

Sending my love from across the globe <3

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 2 Has Begun!

Hey everyone!

It's Tuesday night here and I have finished my first day of classes for this week. I am quickly realizing that although it's amazing I have a four day weekend it comes at quite the cost! I was in class from 8:00am to 1:00pm today and tomorrow I have class from 9:00am until 6:00pm! I think I have an hour for lunch but that's it. These two hour lecture and practical periods are going to be the death of me!

Today I had social psychology and then the practical right after. I was a little disappointed that I spent hours on Monday reading for the class because all we did was go over exactly what I had read. Although it was pretty interesting stuff, and hopefully I'll better understand how we interact, social customs ect after the class is over.

The practical after was taught by a student in the process of getting his PhD. I'm still trying to get used to being taught by someone so close in age. He seems pretty cool though and most of the practical was spent going over exercises which was a nice change from taking notes and listening to lectures. In the middle of class the fire alarm went off, which was a nice and unexpected break during which I quickly devoured my lunch. Toasted ham and cheese made at 8:00am - yum! :)

Today was the first time that I actually appreciated taking Experimental Methods (aka the death of me last semester). Pretty much everything we went over I had learned last semester, so it was nice and fresh in my mind. I think having taken that class will give me the confidence in this class to do well (hopefully!). It's funny because the lecturer kept saying things like "And we are all going to get D's in this class and do very well!" Which kept confusing me because obviously a D in the states isn't a great grade but here it is equivalent to a B.

Anyway - that's about all I have for my update. I'm going to start planning my trips soon because the sooner I do it the cheaper it will be. Plus I want to fill up my calendar with lots of fun things so I can start count downs and what not! :) Let me know if you have any ideas on where I should head during my travels. So far I'm debating between Sydney, Melbourne, Bali, Figi, the Outback or Japan. I really, really want to go to Japan but apparently no one else is interested and I'm not about to go alone (that's not smart traveling!) We will see where I end up - but I'd love your feedback! :)

Sending you my love from across the world <3